
What we do

What we do

The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities (TCTC) is a members association which promotes a values based approach to working with people. We believe that relationships and shared responsibility are central to all organisations and that the overall social environment is critical to the effectiveness of any service. Therapeutic Communities (TCs) are settings where the whole context; the physical environment, the way the day is planned and the relationships a person has, are considered to be part of the therapeutic process.

  • TCTC represents and promotes therapeutic communities (TCs), other therapeutic environments and TC values at a local and national level.
  • We provide a focus for knowledge, research and training and offer support and information to TCs and to individuals and groups that want to know more about this approach.
  • We publish a quarterly journal Therapeutic Communities with Emerald Publishing. See our Journal webpage.
  • We run Sector Groups in Adult Mental Health, Children’s Network and Research and Development.
  • We run an Annual Conference and Quarterly Training which reflects the needs and interests of our members. 

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The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities, 34 Carlton Business Centre, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 3AA

Company number 7710339 & Registered Charity Number 1143955

If you would like to get in touch, please see the contact details

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