


Therapeutic Communities is the international journal of the The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities; it is published by Emerald Group Publishing and is sponsored by the Nottingham Institute of Mental Health.

Therapeutic communities is a peer-reviewed academic journal publishing research from therapeutic communities and allied organisations internationally.

It is published 4 times a year. Subscription is free to members of The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities with online access and a paper copy.

If you are a TCTC member, to access the journal please log in at the top of the website. If you are already logged in, you can access the journal here.

If you are not a member of TCTC and you would like to subscribe directly to the Journal through Emerald, without the TCTC membership discount, you can get more details here.

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The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities, 34 Carlton Business Centre, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 3AA

Company number 7710339 & Registered Charity Number 1143955

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