NAViGO — a not-for-profit social enterprise commissioned by the NHS and social care to deliver mental health services across North East Lincolnshire and beyond.

We employ over 1,000 people across our £50million plus group of companies, delivering care and support to people with mental health and associated issues.

We recognise that we have a wider social responsibility for people beyond just treatment and therefore look at creative ways to assist people in their recovery and rehabilitation journey. This includes us trading directly with the public at places like Grimsby Garden Centre, making a surplus which we can reinvest in our services. But, more importantly than that, we provide training and employment opportunities to the people who we serve.

This strategy sets out our vision across the next five years. It is not set in stone and is constantly evolving as we work with service users, staff, carers, volunteers and partner organisations to shape the future.

We are committed to being an organisation that is rooted in its community.

We will continue to look at ways in which we can support local people and the local economy whilst delivering our services. We are proud to be part of the Health and Social Care landscape in North East Lincolnshire and endeavour to use our resources to the benefit of our locality.

We employ, train and develop people from our local community. Wherever possible, we use local suppliers to put our resources back into the local economy. We run local businesses to support service users on a recovery journey — with any profits we make reinvested in local services.

We also work alongside the Mental Health Sector Network, the Integrated Care System, North East Lincolnshire Health and Care Partnership and other partners including those in public health and housing.